Tuesday Apr 23, 2013
Acute ankle injuries, with Professor Gino Kerkhoffs
Hans Tol (BJSM senior associate editor) talks to Gino Kerkhoffs (Orthopaedic Surgery, Academic Medical Centre, Amsterdam, Netherlands) about diagnosing and treating acute ankle injuries, as his group has just published clinical guidelines on this in BJSM.
0.37 Who the guidlines are aimed at
2.11 Risk factors for ankle injuries
5.09 Is there still a place for MRI in diagnosing acute ankle injuries?
11.50 Functional treatment - tape or brace?
15.03 Should injuries where the syndesmotic ligament is involved be treated the same as lateral injuries?
16.50 Surgery
21.45 Prevention after surgical repair
24.16 The future of diagnosis and treatment
26.24 What’s the evidence for platelet rich plasma treatment?
See also:
Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of ankle sprains: an evidence-based clinical guideline http://bit.ly/Qn0UTG