Tuesday Apr 23, 2013
Are you an undergraduate who’s keen on sport & exercise medicine? Liam West offers advice.
Liam West, a medical student at University Hospital of Wales in Cardiff and passionate student of sport & exercise medicine, talks to Karim Khan about the barriers to developing a career path in sports and exercise medicine. He shares a successful approach to carving out a path while also coping with the rigid obligations of medical school. Liam also coordinates a blog series for the BJSM on the undergrad’s perspective, and has helped set up a national network for undergraduate students who will be the future doctors in SEM called USEMS (Undergraduate Sports & Exercise Medicine Society).
0.49 - Getting into SEM
3.10 - Barriers to starting your career
6.00 - Overcoming the obstacles
8.15 - Undergrad SEM societies
10.41 - Take home messages
See also
Original article Physical activity education in the undergraduate curricula of all UK medical schools. Are tomorrow’s doctors equipped to follow clinical guidelines? http://bit.ly/PARRhn
Review: Investments that work for physical activity. http://bit.ly/OY9t7o This is the WHO blueprint for physical activity promotion across sectors. Undergraduate students should be aware of it and please look for ways to incorporate it into your student society information pages and the medical curriculum!
Liam’s BJSM blogs http://bit.ly/XTu9B1