Thursday Nov 27, 2014
Bob Sallis on exercise as medicine
Bob Sallis is a family physician and sports medicine expert who encourages his patients to take charge of their health by exercising. With a passion for prevention, he lends his voice to the Every Body Walk Campaign and is an avid supporter and advocate of the Exercise is Medicine initiative of the ACSM. And Bob literally "walks the walk": he walks (or runs) every day! He tells us about the Exercise is Medicine initiative, talks about dosing (and overdosing!) of exercise, discusses the role of the physician and the fitness industry in getting people to exercise, and gives some practical tips on how to prescribe exercises to someone who is injured or has a chronic disease. See also: Sallis RE. Exercise is medicine and physicians need to prescribe it! Br J Sports Med 2009;43:3-4. http://bjsm.bmj.com/content/43/1/3.full Sallis RE. Developing healthcare systems to support exercise: exercise as the fifth vital sign. Br J Sports Med 2011;45:473-474. http://bjsm.bmj.com/content/45/6/473.full http://everybodywalk.org/