Thursday Dec 12, 2013
Chris Littlewood - Tendons: Where does pain fit in the continuum model?
If you have wondered about the connection between pain and pathology in tendons, this podcast is for you. In this new forum, a BJSM reader takes the hard questions to the experts, Chris Littlewood, who has expertise as a clinician and researcher in the rotator cuff, asks questions of Craig Purdam, who needs little introduction to you, and Ebonie Rio, who has expertise as a clinician in tendons and as a researcher in tendon pain. Listen to the answers on the complex nature of tendons and the relationship between pain and pathology, and let us know via bjsm@bmjgroup.com if you have a pressing desire to ask an expert yourself about a clinical issue in a podcast. We are always open to suggestions. See also: Greater glycosaminoglycan content in human patellar tendon biopsies is associated with more pain and a lower VISA score: http://bjsm.bmj.com/content/48/6/469.full Prospective study of change in patellar tendon abnormality on imaging and pain over a volleyball season: http://bjsm.bmj.com/content/40/3/272.full Tendinopathy – rehab progression – part 1: http://blogs.bmj.com/bjsm/2013/07/23/tendinopathy-rehab-progression-part-1/ Achilles Tendinopathy: is foot strike important?: http://blogs.bmj.com/bjsm/2014/01/22/achilles-tendinopathy-is-foot-strike-important/
Australian football players’ Achilles tendons respond to game loads within 2 days: an ultrasound tissue characterisation (UTC) study: http://bjsm.bmj.com/content/early/2014/06/26/bjsports-2013-092713.full