Tuesday Apr 23, 2013
Concussion Update - Part 1
Everything you wanted to know about the Zurich International Conference on Concussion
The Consensus Statement on Concussion in Sport: the 3rd International Conference on Concussion in Sport held in Zurich, November 2008 is BJSM’s top download and this podcast takes you behind the scenes.
Professor Paul McCrory shares the reasons behind recent changes in management of concussion and provides practical tips for you to prevent concussion and treat it where necessary.
Part 1: An overview of the conference process and the highlights of the specific conference papers that you can find in the May supplement of BJSM. What is new in definitions of concussion, concussion in children, return to play guidelines, the role of neuroimaging and biomarkers and advances in protection.
Related articles:
http://bjsm.bmj.com/content/vol43/Suppl_1/ (Contents page for the Concussion Supplement)
http://bjsm.bmj.com/cgi/content/full/43/Suppl_1/i76 (Main Consensus Statement)
http://bjsm.bmj.com/cgi/reprint/43/Suppl_1/i85 (SCAT2)
http://bjsm.bmj.com/cgi/reprint/43/Suppl_1/i89 (Pocket SCAT2)