Friday Apr 07, 2017
Dark underbelly of competitive sport - Harassment and abuse. Dr Margo Mountjoy. Host Dr Karen Litzy
What is abuse and how does it manifest itself in sport? In this hard-hitting podcast, Karen Litzy hosts Dr Margo Mountjoy, IOC medical commission, FINA executive board member, and associate clinical professor at McMaster University. Dr Mountjoy explores the various types of harassment, how it can occur, and what safeguards can be put in place to help athletes report abuse. Highlights include: -What does it mean when we talk about abuse and harassment? -Youth sport and why we need to be especially careful in our younger athlete - Top tips to recognizing abuse: when is the athlete trying to tell us something? -Putting in safeguarding mechanisms to protect athletes and report abuse -The impact of social media in sport especially among “millennials” -Take home messages for working in practice Dr Mountjoy is a Senior Associate Editor at BJSM and here’s the link for her previous podcast about energy deficiency among sportspeople (RED-S) http://ow.ly/w6w430aBmKJ
Link to the open access (FREE) IOC consensus statement on non-accidental violence in sport: http://ow.ly/YzMd30aBmA2