Monday Oct 06, 2014
Dr Alison Grimaldi with practical physiotherapy tips on treating lateral hip pain
With over twenty years' experience, accreditation in Sports Physiotherapy, and a recent PhD in the topic of lateral hip pain, Alison Grimaldi (@AlisonGrimaldi) was invited to this podcast by BJSM’s Twitter community. She is a popular conference speaker internationally. Here she walks you through each step of the assessment and treatment of an older patient with right hip pain. She then shares how to assess and treat a younger sportsperson. In both cases, Dr Grimaldi emphasizes that compression is bad for tendons that run over bony prominences (trochanter in this case) and indicates how this can be addressed. Enjoy one of our most practical podcasts. Recorded at the Physiotherapy New Zealand Conference, Auckland (September 2014) with thanks to the NZ Sports Physiotherapy Interest Group (@SportsPhysioNZ). Links: 1) JL Cook, C Purdam Is compressive load a factor in the development of tendinopathy? Br J Sports Med 46(3):163-8. 2012 http://bjsm.bmj.com/content/46/3/163.abstract
2) Fearon A, Stephens S, Cook J, et al. The relationship of femoral neck shaft angle and adiposity to greater trochanteric pain syndrome in women. A case control morphology and anthropometric study. Br J Sports Med. 2012 http://bjsm.bmj.com/content/46/12/888.long