Tuesday Apr 23, 2013
Dr Ross Tucker: Understanding performance
In the second part of this two-part podcast, Ross Tucker, one of the authors on The Science of Sport (http://www.sportsscientists.com/) explains how a understanding what limits performance can help an athlete achieve their best. He covers the use of GPS data and other measures of training volume, the difficulty that massive volumes of data creates, and how teams can use advanced sport science programs to gain a competitive advantage. He illuminates recent discoveries that ‘central’ processes - ‘the central governor’ - regulate performance; this contrasts with older views that suggested anaerobiosis (lack of oxygen) in skeletal muscle limited performance.
Ross Tucker’s paper on pacing/limits of performance tiny.cc/ybc3hw
The January 2013 issue of BJSM focused on pacing and the Central Governor bjsm.bmj.com/content/46/1.toc
Part 1 of the podcast: ‘What makes an Olympic champion?’ http://bit.ly/MQNiyf