Friday Apr 01, 2016
Dream Team of training load management: How training influences injury and performance
The BJSM community is well aware of the interest in the role of training load on injury. Dr Dr Tim Gabbett, Dr Alex Kountouris and Dr to be Michael Drew share insights into the principles that underpin successful player management. They give specific examples from football codes and cricket at the elite level. They also discuss what clinicians who do not have access to the full raft of data-gathering technology can do to advise players how to monitor load. We thank Sports Physiotherapist Paul Visentini (who invented the VISA score for tendinopathy) for producing the very successful event and for sharing two podcasts with us. (The second will be posted here within a month). (Twitter = @PaulVisentini and @PhysioSports429) The guests: Dr Tim Gabbett, Applied Sports Scientist who consults to elite teams the world over. He is one of only 5 invited Keynote Speakers at the IOC World Congress in Monaco 2017 #IOCPrev2017 @TimGabbett Dr Alex Kountouris, Sports Science and Sports Medicine Director Cricket Australia @Alex_Kountouris Mr Michael Drew Senior Sports Physiotherapist at the Australian Institute of Sport. @_MickDrew Links to related podcasts: Dr Tim Gabbett on how physiotherapists can work well alongside strength & conditioning coaches to prevent injuries and improve performance: http://ow.ly/10aOq2 Dr Alex Kountouris on how to prevent back pain in cricket: http://ow.ly/10aOHX Link to papers on load monitoring: Training – injury prevention paradox. Should athletes be training smarter AND harder (Gabbett) http://bjsm.bmj.com/content/early/2016/01/12/bjsports-2015-095788 Cricket fast bowling workload patterns as risk factors for tendon, muscle, bone and joint injuries. John W Orchard, Peter Blanch2, …, , Alex Kountouris et al, http://bjsm.bmj.com/content/early/2015/03/09/bjsports-2014-093683
And the home page with lots of good background for the conference (March 2016): http://physiosports.com.au/mastering-load-symposium-2016/