Wednesday Jul 02, 2014

Duke University’s Assoc Prof Mike Reiman on managing the stiff hip in sport – is it FAI? (Part 1)

Managing the athlete with hip stiffness detected at a physical exam or in a PPE is one of the hottest topics of 2014. Some would argue that nothing needs to be done given that the patient is asymptomatic but on the other hand many orthopaedic papers argue for ‘preventive’ osteotomy. Is this ‘overdiagnosis’ and ‘overtreatment’? Mike Reiman is a highly respected clinician-academic and he has integrated the literature on this topic with his clinical expertise. A ‘must’ podcast for physiotherapists, ATCs and doctors who take care of active people. See also: Diagnostic accuracy of clinical tests of the hip: a systematic review with meta-analysis: Physical examination tests for hip dysfunction and injury: Jo Kemp, Kay Crossley, Ewa Roos, What fooled us in the knee may trip us up in the hip: lessons from arthroscopy: Julianne Ryan, Neasa DeBurca, Karen McCreesh, Risk factors for groin/hip injuries in field-based sports: a systematic review: Hip chondropathy at arthroscopy: prevalence and relationship to labral pathology, femoroacetabular impingement and patient-reported outcomes: Jon Patricios - Hip injuries in sport, in association with SASMA:

Managing the PAINFUL hip and groin in sport – a focus on conservative Rx – Prof Mike Reiman (Part 2):

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