Wednesday Apr 01, 2015
Effective ankle taping: Mechanisms, myths and more….(Part 1)
Chris McNicholl brings the experience of the Olympic Games and two Commonwealth Games to his sports taping courses for UK Physios in Sport. In this podcast we dig below the surface. Does taping really prevent injuries and if so, how? We cover lower limb, upper limb, joints & muscles. Football and rugby. But we keep the issue of Kinesio-tape for a separate podcast. You’ll hear Chris refer to the following papers: Tricia J. Hubbard, et al. Effect of Ankle Taping on Mechanical Laxity in Chronic Ankle Instability Foot & Ankle International/Vol. 31, No. 6/June 2010 Heather Miller et al. Role of External Prophylactic Support in Restricting Accessory Ankle Motion after Exercise Foot Ankle Int 2012 33: 862 Karl Stoffel et al. Effect of Ankle Taping on Knee and Ankle. Joint Biomechanics in Sporting Tasks. MEDICINE & SCIENCE IN SPORTS & EXERCISE 2010
Eamonn Delahut et al. Altered Neuromuscular Control and Ankle Joint Kinematics During Walking in Subjects With Functional Instability of the Ankle Joint. The American Journal of Sports Medicine, Vol. 34, No. 12 2006