Friday Feb 27, 2015
Effective treatments for back pain: Kieran O’Sullivan’s practical tips within a guiding framework
Physical rehab (physiotherapy), behavioural rehab and combinations of these have been mainstays of back pain treatment. Dr Kieran O’Sullivan shares his expertise on what to do and what not to do – lessons from 15 years of providing specialised clinical care and engaging in top level research. Specifically, what is the role of patient advice, targeted exercises, and novel therapies including injections? You can link to Dr O’Sullivan’s home page at the University of Limerick here: http://www.ul.ie/clinicaltherapies/node/443 Interested in back pain? Related resources: Editorial: Common misconceptions about back pain in sport: Tiger Woods’ case brings five fundamental questions into sharp focus http://bjsm.bmj.com/content/early/2015/02/08/bjsports-2014-094542.extract Podcast: Professor Peter O’Sullivan on Tiger Woods’ back and ‘core strength’