Friday Feb 13, 2015
Exercise interventions to prevent sports injuries – what you need to know
Dr Jeppe Bo Lauersen, currently working as a medical doctor in Copenhagen, investigated exercise intervention and its effects during a pre-graduate scholarship year at the Institute of Sport Science in Copenhagen with co-authors Ditte Bertelsen and Lars Bo Andersen. Prof Andersen, who is the head of the Centre for Research in Childhood Health at the University of Southern Denmark and a professor the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, joins him on this podcast. They discuss their systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized control trials investigating exercise interventions for sports injuries. In this podcast they share with us their interesting results, why some of the findings surprised them, and what conclusions we could take away from their work. Prof Andersen also shares some thoughts on the statistics and methods surrounding systematic reviews. With exercise and its effect on health receiving much attention in the wide stream media currently, the authors discuss the effectiveness of exercise interventions, and what we should focus on when considering treatment of sports injuries.
Find their article here: http://bjsm.bmj.com/content/48/11/871.full