Wednesday May 21, 2014
Helping clinicians to turn evidence into practice – software for injury prevention and rehab
Isabel van Obergen and Hannes Cleppe discuss their prevention platform for sports: a software program (SpartaNova) that is in the ‘e-Health’ category for physiotherapy and sports medicine. We begin with an obvious competing interest disclaimer. BJSM has no financial interest or association with SpartaNova. Because clinicians use specific products, such as ‘Theraband’ ® for example, BJSM will report on the utility of such products while being open about any competing interests. Have you considered using software in your practice? Feel free to suggest what we should assess. We love to share ‘success stories’ – and if a commercial product adds value for you we’d report that information. Our guests in this podcast are the CEO of SpartaNova, (IvO) who was attending London’s ‘Leaders in Performance’ conference in 2013, and Hannes Cleppe, who trained as a physiotherapist in Belgium and the US before focusing on developing the injury prevention module for this product. The team includes active clinical advisors as well as experts in computer sciences and maths and closely co-operates with science partners from its founding universities and a broader network of researchers. See also: Developing an injury tracking software system specific for volleyball: a case example: http://bjsm.bmj.com/content/45/6/545.3.abstract
Visual or computer-based measurements: important for interpretation of athletes’ ECG: http://bjsm.bmj.com/content/48/9/761.full