Friday Oct 13, 2017
How to lose or gain weight safely, elite sports nutrition with David Dunne
This episode takes place from Surrey Sports Park, the training base of Harlequins Rugby Union. During the podcast, performance nutritionist David Dunne delves into the following topics with Dr Sean Carmody: -Managing weight loss safely in weight dependent sports (eg boxing, MMA) -Developing muscle mass appropriately in rugby union players -Nutritional considerations in the professional golfer In addition to his work with Harlequins, David has worked in several sports including Queens Park Rangers FC (football), Team Wiggins (cycling), GB Canoeing and professional boxing. David also holds a position with data analytics and sport science company, Orreco. Links to the research discussed during the podcast are listed below: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/304529333_Acute_Weight_Loss_Strategies_for_Combat_Sports_and_Applications_to_Olympic_Success https://www.researchgate.net/project/Waterloading-in-combat-sport-athletes-as-means-to-manipulate-body-mass http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/17461391.2017.1297489?scroll=top&needAccess=true&journalCode=tejs20 The Liverpool John Moores University observational MMA case study discussed is still currently in press. To keep up to date on this research follow the below profiles on researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Carl_Langan-Evans