Friday Feb 23, 2018
Is education more important than exercise in treating patellofemoral pain? Episode #322
Research so often includes ‘education’ in the comparison arm of clinical trials as though it is a universal, standardized, or perhaps even inert component of intervention. But what if education IS a key ingredient in managing patellofemoral pain? Erin Macri met up with Dr. Michael Rathleff after hearing some impressive presentations from him and his team members at the 5th International Patellofemoral Pain Research Retreat in Gold Coast, Australia. Dr. Rathleff works at the Research Unit for General Practice in Aalborg. He is an associate professor and head of the OptiYouth research group that works towards improving musculoskeletal health in adolescents. In this podcast, Dr. Rathleff shares some innovative and evidence-based approaches to optimizing outcomes for patellofemoral pain using strategic, targeted education. Related Articles Rathleff MS, Roos E, Olesen J, Rasmussen S. Exercise during school hours when added to patient education improves outcome for 2 years in adolescent patellofemoral pain: a cluster randomised trial. Br J Sports Med 2015;49(6):406-12 Associated Materials for upload
Educational slides for use with patients (attached)