Friday Sep 11, 2015
Keeping runners running: the secrets of running assessment - advice and exercise progressions
Mo Farah has great running technique. You see it, you know it. But what are the elements of Mo Farah’s running style? Can we assess running patients and guide them to improve their technique? Might gait education prove more effective than medication to treat symptoms? Andy Cornelius has the answers. He’s a Graduate Sport Rehabilitator and head running coach who works in private clinics, premiership football and with high profile clubs and athletes. Posing the questions is Stephen Aspinall, Chairman of the British Association of Sports Rehabilitators and Trainers (BASRaT - http://www.basrat.org) and Lecturer in Sport Rehabilitation at the University of Salford, England. Timeline 1:20m - What are the key elements of running assessment? 2:45m - What you can learn by watching the runner from behind (frontal plane) and the side (sagittal plane) on the track and on the treadmill. 4:08m - The runner with injuries related to overstriding. What is overstriding? What can the clinician advise? 6:00m - Assessing cadence and helping the athlete to make a change of between 5-10% in cadence. 7:00m - Role of hip extension, angle of trunk lean. 7:40m - Treatment of the runner who over-strides. Exercises for rehabilitation: split stride, triple extension position, mat sliding exercise, TRX device, verbal queues. 10:20m - Stride width: consider this in conditions like ITB friction syndrome, medial tibial stress syndrome (overloading one side). 12:00m - Risk of knee pain with widening stride. 12:20m - Detailed exercise progression to adjust stride width. 14:30m - How to couple pelvic stability with hip mobility – the need to balance stability and mobility. 15:15m - Mo Farah as an example - what he does right. 16:00m - Exercise progressions to address limitations around the hip and pelvis. Strive for Mo Farah’s stride! 17:00m - When to introduce bounding, hopping drills. 17:40m - Learn more at running workshops organised by BASRaT, including at the BASRaT Annual Symposium - Manchester City’s Etihad Stadium, November 20, 2015. http://www.basrat.org/ Links Paul Hodges on the balance between mobility and stability – http://ow.ly/S4UKE The Telegraph on Mo Farah in 2013 - http://ow.ly/S4UQh Andy Franklyn Miller et al. Biomechanical overload syndrome: defining a new diagnosis. Br J Sports Med. 2014 Mar;48(6):415-6. (OPEN ACCESS) (@AndyFranklynMiller) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22983122 Andy Franklyn Miller’s related podcast - biomechanics and running injuries - http://ow.ly/S4VBF (@AndyFranklynMiller) Christopher Napier’s Systematic Review gait retraining - http://ow.ly/S4V29 (ONLINE FIRST, live October 1st 2015) BASRaT Annual Conference – Friday November 20th, Manchester - http://www.basrat.org/
Please feel free to suggest links via @BJSM_BMJ or email karim.khan@ubc.ca