Thursday Feb 13, 2014
Lower back injuries in cricket players, with Alex Kountouris
Dr Alex Kountouris is the physiotherapist or the Australian men’s cricket team, a position he has held for 8 years. He has just completed his PhD on the relationship between quadratus lumborum and lumbar stress fractures. In this podcast he discusses strategies for the prevention and treatment of lumbar spine injuries in cricket. The interesting questions posed to him come from our twitter followers, so hear his responses to your questions! See also: Biomechanics of lumbar spine injury in young Australian fast bowlers: http://bjsm.bmj.com/content/44/Suppl_1/i4.3.abstract MRI findings in the lumbar spines of asymptomatic, adolescent, elite tennis players: http://bjsm.bmj.com/content/41/11/836.full A stress fracture of the lumbar spine in a professional rugby player: http://bjsm.bmj.com/content/41/5/337.full Injuries in West Indies cricket 2003–2004: http://bjsm.bmj.com/content/40/2/119.full @PeterBrukner discusses today’s major headline: Successful antibiotic treatment in a subset of people with chronic low back pain: http://blogs.bmj.com/bjsm/2013/05/08/peterbrukner-discusses-todays-major-headline-successful-antibiotic-treatment-in-a-subset-of-people-with-chronic-low-back-pain/ Book Review: Clinical anatomy of the lumbar spine and sacrum: http://blogs.bmj.com/bjsm/2008/10/16/book-review-clinical-anatomy-of-the-lumbar-spine-and-sacrum/