Friday Oct 09, 2015
Managing Cervicogenic Headache and Other Pearls: Professor Gwen Jull. Second of two podcasts
Professor Gwen Jull, from the University of Queensland, is one of the most lauded health professionals in the world. She discusses the assessment and management of the patient with neck pain. In the second half of the podcast BJSM asks her a couple of broader questions. What does it take to be a great clinician? Timings 1:30m - A case of headache – what elements to consider in the subjective/history 3:00m - What differentiates the expert clinician from learners who are treating neck pain? 4:00m - How to identify those headaches that respond to physiotherapy and which ones don’t respond well. 7:00m - What does it take to be a good clinician? 8:00m - Perspectives on the physiotherapy/physical therapy profession. Importance of being first contact practitioners. 9:45m - Physiotherapists as leaders in large health organisations and pioneers in heath service changes. 11:45m - Professor Jull shares the highlights of the new issue of Grieve’s Modern Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy here http://ow.ly/Sj4cn 15:00m - The biopsychosocial model – avoid biases towards one domain in this model. Advocating for the multimodal approach to physiotherapy/physical therapy. Links: Grieve’s Modern Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy (4th edition): Book review here http://ow.ly/Sj4cn Gwen Jill is the lead author of this physiotherapy Bible. First of Professor Jull’s two podcasts: Assessment and Management of Neck Pain. First of Two conversations http://ow.ly/TcVtr Related podcast: Professor Michele Sterling: ‘Managing Whiplash’ (2013). Very practical management of Whiplash that held up of the 2 years. http://ow.ly/Sj4Jz
Is the neck pain related to concussion? A related paper in BJSM: Schneider KJ, et al. Br J Sports Med. 2014 Sep;48(17):1294-8. Cervicovestibular rehabilitation in sport-related concussion: a randomised controlled trial - http://bjsm.bmj.com/content/48/17/1294.abstract