Friday Jun 05, 2015
Managing groin pain in athletes: Adam Weir’s pointers for two very common presentations (Part 1)
Do you see football or ice hockey players with persistent pain in the inguinal region? What about players in twisting sports with adductor region pain? Are you still making the diagnosis ‘osteitis pubis’? Are you unsure as to when to order investigations in cases of groin pain? Enough questions – time for answers. Adam Weir, MD, PhD, has more than 10 years’ experience in dedicated clinics treating groin pain in athletes. His sports medicine specialty training was in Netherlands and the past 3 years has seen him work closely with a multidisciplinary team including sports physiotherapists and groin surgeons at the Aspetar Clinic for Groin Pain in Athletes (Doha, Qatar). He discusses the management of the two patients outlined in the two questions above (longstanding pain in the inguinal region, adductor region, in turn). 14 minutes of practical tips – assessment, investigation, specific management. PRP, surgery? No holds barred. What remains unknown. You’ll get the pearls that @AdamWeirSports shared as a keynote speaker at the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine (@TheAMSSM) conference in April 2105. Key resources include: BJSM Issue 12, 2015 – Groin pain in athletes – Table of Contents: http://bjsm.bmj.com/content/49/12.toc 9 systematic reviews most of the Open Access thanks to Aspetar Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Hosptital, Doha, Qatar – here’s the one on management of groin pain. http://bjsm.bmj.com/content/49/12/813.full (Serner et al., Open Access) Consensus Statement: Doha Agreement Meeting: http://bjsm.bmj.com/content/49/12/768.full (Weir et al - 23 authors, Open Access) Part 2 BJSM podcast with Adam Weir – https://soundcloud.com/bmjpodcasts/take-homes-from-1st-world-conference-on-groin-pain-in-athletes-doha-agreement-part-2
You are encouraged to tweet your podcast questions to @AdamWeirSports or post on the Google + Sports & Exercise Medicine Community page – a great place to write more than a tweet. All you need is a gmail account.