Tuesday Apr 23, 2013
Managing leg pain - focus on chronic exertional compartment syndrome
Dr Mark Hutchinson, professor of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine at the University of Illinois Medical Centre, and star of the three million times viewed BJSM physical examination videos [http://bit.ly/17UzOuu], gives Karim Khan an update on examination and management of leg pain. He explains why he doesn’t use the term ’shin splints’.
In this podcast Dr Hutchinson covers: (i) clinical work-up of persistent leg pain (ii) investigating compartment pressure (iii) two or four compartments? (iv) tips for surgeons treating compartment syndrome (v) fasciotomy or fasciectomy?
Three extremely relevant papers in BJSM include:
Chronic exertional compartment syndrome testing: a minimalist approach http://bit.ly/10aWJu3
Chronic exertional compartment syndrome http://bit.ly/ZMnzIW
Intracompartmental pressure testing: results of an international survey of current clinical practice, highlighting the need for standardised protocolshttp://bit.ly/17Nbvfd