Friday Apr 28, 2017
Mayo Clinic and AMSSM sports medicine specialist, Dr Jon Finnoff, on managing leg pain in sport.
Dr Jonathan Finnoff, DO, is the Medical Director for Mayo Clinic Square, Sports Medicine Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota. He is a specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine. He benefits from his experience as a former professional athlete in his work as the Team Physician for professional basketball teams -- the Minnesota Timberwolves and Lynx. Dr Finnoff addresses the case of a 24 year old basketball player who has calf pain that stops her from playing but responds relatively quickly when she stops running. Timeline • The differential diagnoses include chronic exertional compartment syndrome, vascular problems such as popliteal artery entrapment, as well as neurological causes • Physical examination is critical and there are some key tests to distinguish those different pathologies • The role of investigations including imaging • How does one make the compartment pressure diagnosis? • Treatment for chronic exertional compartment syndrome including gait retraining • More aggressive treatment including use of the meniscotome, botox injection and surgery • Outcomes of treatment including botox and surgery Link to previous podcasts: This podcast is complemented by one with Professor Francis O’Connor: https://soundcloud.com/bmjpodcasts/professor-francis-oconnor-from-the-amssm-challenging-leg-paincalf-pain-and-military-injuries?in=bmjpodcasts/sets/bjsm-1 Andy Franklin-Miller’s BJSM podcast on exertional compartment syndrome and gait retraining: https://soundcloud.com/bmjpodcasts/running-injuries-with-andy Andy Cornelius on how to assess a runner and what to do when you see abnormalities: