Tuesday Apr 23, 2013
Mike Loosemore - how to prescribe exercise
Dr Mike Loosemore is a consultant in sports and exercise medicine who works at the English Institute of Sport and the University College London Hospital.
In this podcast he emphasises the importance of clinicians taking an exercise/activity history. (See link Developing healthcare systems to support exercise: exercise as the fifth vital sign http://bit.ly/17Uhlyc). He provides practical tips for clinicians and highlights major health benefits from physical activity in a wide range of settings as diverse as patients with mental illness, breast cancer [2 links below], and those undergoing renal dialysis.
See also:
Physical activity interventions for cancer survivors http://bit.ly/ZFQ5jD
Physical activity and breast cancer risk: impact of timing, type and dose of activity and population subgroup effects http://bit.ly/ZJHPfb