Tuesday Apr 23, 2013
Musculoskeletal ultrasound with Kim Harmon and Sean Martin
Ultrasound is rapidly revolutionising point-of-care medicine in many specialties. The last few years have seen technological advances make musculoskeletal ultrasound more practical, opening up opportunities for diagnostic and therapeutic interventions.
In this podcast, BJSM’s editor Karim Khan investigates the value of musculoskeletal ultrasound and how to integrate it into practice, with Kim Harmon, director of the Sports Medicine Fellowship at the University of Washington, US, and Sean Martin, Clinical Faculty at Eglin Airforce Base, US.
They discuss their experiences of the technique in clinical practice (0.44), which procedures it’s useful for (4.22), how to get started (12.03), using musculoskeletal ultrasound in the training room (13.33), the value of collaborating with radiologists and orthopaedics (15.58) and credentialing (17.46).
See also:
Musculoskeletal ultrasound education for sports medicine fellows: a suggested/potential curriculum by AMSSM http://bit.ly/XSYhwi
American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) http://www.aium.org/
BJSM podcast: What is the future in sports imaging? Bruce Forster, David Hancock and John Orchard http://bit.ly/ZM6Q8C