Thursday Nov 14, 2013
“Mythbuster” on NSAIDs in sports medicine, challenging nutrition dogma, and evidence-based practice
In a podcast that may be of most interest to our general practice audience, Professor James McCormack has had a longstanding passion for scrutinising study results. One of his roles has been evaluating drug company trials [therapeuticseducation.org] and recommending with the British Columbia Provincial Government reimburse patients for those drugs or not. One category of drugs he is expert is NSAIDs. In the podcast, he also explains why the science of nutrition resembles a smorgasbord of low quality studies. Finally, (and for all health professionals), Prof McCormack shares a link to his ‘viral’ YouTube video ‘Viva La Evidence’ [bit.ly/13Wv5Eq] which shows that what marketing experts label ‘NMS’ is alive and well. (Nerd Market Segment). You’ll find a couple of videos that the BJSM Editor found hugely entertaining but that his adult children just rolled their eyes at. See also: Use of NSAIDs in triathletes: prevalence, level of awareness and reasons for use: bjsm.bmj.com/content/45/2/85.full E-letter: Prophylactic use of NSAIDs in endurance runners: http://blogs.bmj.com/bjsm/2009/10/07/e-letter-prophylactic-use-of-nsaids-in-endurance-runners/ Sports Medcast Ep 4 - Practical tips on NSAIDs: https://soundcloud.com/bmjpodcasts/mythbuster-on-nsaids-in-sports
Republished research: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): http://bjsm.bmj.com/content/early/2013/09/06/bmj.f3195.full