Friday Feb 03, 2017
Nutrition pearls for sport performance: Professor Graeme Close provides 27 practical tips
You want the big names on BJSM podcasts and Twitter asked for Dr Graeme Close. Fresh from the UK undergraduate student conference, Graeme shares pearl after pearl on this top podcast. What do you do in a first consultation? How does nutrition in team sport vary from individual sport? What’s the key to a successful pre-game routine? How should nutrition change when an athlete is injured? Supplements? Coffee? Sleep? Take home tips – all in this 16 minute gem. Graeme has a great CV for his role in top sport. He is (i) a former professional rugby league player (clips here https://youtu.be/1mHljSGlQwA) (ii) a sports science PhD and now faculty at Liverpool John Moores University (iii) rumored to be the only person in the UK accredited with the official bodies for sports science (BASES), sports nutrition (SENr) and strength & conditioning (UKSCA). We call that the ‘triple crown’.
Kudos to medical student Tej Pandya for organizing the conference and for a great debut as a podcast host. BJSM’s podcasts have been hosted by 23 different interviewers and there are podcasts in 5 languages. Feel free to submit a podcast for our consideration. (info.bjsm@bmj.com)