Tuesday Apr 23, 2013
October’s BJSM and the VSG Annual Meeting, with Hans Tol and Adam Weir
VSG’s (the sports medicine society of the Netherlands) editor-in-chief Hans Tol and congress committee member Adam Weir highlight the October issue of BJSM and preview the VSG Annual Meeting on 1-2 December 2011.
The first paper highlighted is from Collard et al [http://bit.ly/ZFQS3U], who have calculated the economic costs of organised sports, leisure time physical activities and physical education classes of 10-12 year old Dutch children (1.26). The outcomes are intriguing!
A second paper of interest is from Malliaras and Cook [http://bit.ly/ZkULNj], who contend that the longitudinal changes in antero-posterior patellar diameter support a continuum of pathological changes (2.02).
Two new theories on Achilles tendinopathy are presented in this issue. Firstly, Alfredson proposes [http://bit.ly/qyxi2W] there is an important role for the plantaris tendon (2.45). The second paper, presented by Andersson et al [http://bit.ly/15DwlRQ], highlights the role that substance P plays in tendinopathy (3.25). A must-read for those interested in tendon pathology and food for thought for all sport physicians!
Visiting the VSG Annual Meeting in Kaatsheuvel, Netherlands, is a decision you won’t regret. Hans Tol and Adam Weir explain in their warm-up why this is a must-visit for sports medicine enthusiasts. However, the conference language is Dutch, so make sure you master this in time! Dr Weir discusses the main topics of interest in the second half of the podcast (5.44).