Friday May 23, 2014
‘Overdiagnosis’ in sports medicine? FAI for example? The great Ray Moynihan (‘Selling sickness’)
Over-diagnosis, over-treatment and industry influence. Surely not in sports medicine? Ray Moynihan is an internationally renowned contributor in the battle to limit any inappropriate influence of pharmaceutical, diagnostic, and technology companies on good clinical practice. He shares his concerns about the role of drug/implant companies but also argues that clinicians may well be contributing to suboptimal care – almost subconsciously. This is relevant for conditions such as femoroacetabular impingement (FAI). The issue of ‘preventive’ surgery to prevent future arthritis in currently pain-free hips is a massive issue in sports medicine of course. How do we know which patients need this treatment? Enjoy this podcast from a voice outside BJSM’s traditional network of physiotherapists, physicians, massage therapists, clinicians working with active people. When we planned the podcast, Ray Moynihan said he didn’t know about sport but I think you’ll agree that what he offers is hugely relevant to sport and exercise medicine. Thanks Ray! And the 2nd ‘Preventing Overdiagosis’ conference is at Oxford from September 15-17 – just google ‘overdiagnosis conference’. Share your thoughts to @BJSM_BMJ - is this a problem in sports medicine? See also: Online First editorial about FAI: http://goo.gl/ziOLNz In the June issue of BJSM we carry a review of PRP suggesting it isn’t helpful: http://goo.gl/xARb44 The authors of one of the key papers respond here: http://goo.gl/B1hxqc You can read several of Ray Moynihan’s papers in the BMJ including this one that summarises his thoughts on overdiagnosis: http://goo.gl/8uxcGS Repudiation of the ‘magic bullet’ approach to health improvement: a call to empower people to get moving and take charge: http://bjsm.bmj.com/content/46/5/303.full
‘Overdiagnosis’ / ‘overtreating’– relevant in sportsphysio/medicine? Professor Peter O’Sullivan: https://soundcloud.com/bmjpodcasts/overdiagnosis-overtreating-relevant-in-sportsphysiomedicine-peter-osullivan