Friday Jul 25, 2014
‘Overdiagnosis’ / ‘overtreating’– relevant in sportsphysio/medicine? Professor Peter O’Sullivan
Did you listen to Ray Moynihan’s podcast on ‘’Overdiagnosis in sports medicine”? That’s a ‘gold’ podcast (>5000 listens) and Peter O’Sullivan now extends those ideas into the realm of sports physiotherapy. “We can massively create health problems” warns Prof O’Sullivan speaking about the way clinicians may explain pathology to patients. If not explained appropriately, MRI and other imaging can have a negative effect on a patient’s perception of injury. Pete refers to this free paper in RADIOLOGY: McCullough et al. Lumbar MR imaging and reporting epidemiology: do epidemiologic data in reports affect clinical management? Radiology. 2012 Mar;262(3):941-6. doi: 10.1148/radiol.11110618. If you missed Ray Moynihan’s podcast, here’s the link: http://bit.ly/1oA45UC See also: Listen to Prof O'Sullivan discussing low back pain: http://goo.gl/WgseGQ It's time for change with the management of non-specific chronic low back pain: http://bjsm.bmj.com/content/46/4/224.full Successful antibiotic treatment in a subset of people with chronic low back pain: http://blogs.bmj.com/bjsm/2013/05/08/peterbrukner-discusses-todays-major-headline-successful-antibiotic-treatment-in-a-subset-of-people-with-chronic-low-back-pain/ Professor Peter O’Sullivan (Curtin) walks you through two cases of low back pain: https://soundcloud.com/bmjpodcasts/professor-peter-osullivan-curtin-walks-you-through-two-cases-of-low-back-pain
‘Overdiagnosis’ in sports medicine? FAI for example? The great Ray Moynihan (‘Selling sickness’: https://soundcloud.com/bmjpodcasts/overdiagnosis-in-sports-medicine-fai-for-example-the-great-ray-moynihan-selling-sickness