Monday Apr 07, 2014
Patellar dislocation in football, with Professor Philippe Neyret, France
Professor Philippe Neyret from Lyon, France, is a renowned sports orthopaedic surgeon. Following from his talk at the Isokinetic Football Medicine Conference in Milan, BJSM editor Karim Khan reached him via mobile phone. Prof Neyret discusses patellar dislocation in the setting of football and explains that certain anatomic variations (including trochlea dysplasia) make the condition more likely to occur. For players who have suffered patellar dislocation, next steps are not straightforward. Professor Neyret explains which players he would recommend have surgery. See also: Injuries of the sporting knee: http://bjsm.bmj.com/content/34/6/467.1.full
Patient Information Sheet: Patellar Instabilities (dislocation or subluxation of the kneecap): http://blogs.bmj.com/bjsm/2008/10/16/patient-information-sheet-patellar-instability-dislocation-or-subluxation-of-the-kneecap/