Friday Mar 03, 2017
Player Medicals and Screening at Arsenal FC - Part One
Screening is one of the hottest topics in Sports Medicine, and a topic which is constantly evolving. The BJSM has provided a platform for much of the academic literature concerning screening, but what actually happens at the coalface? BJSM Associate Editor Steffan Griffin chats to two giants of the football (and sports) medicine world – Colin Lewin, and Dr Gary O’Driscoll, who both head up the medical department at Arsenal Football Club – about the practical aspect of screening, and what role it plays in elite sport. This podcast serves as a little taster to the Arsenal SEMS conference, which this year focuses on the role of screening, with insights from the likes of Professor Roald Bahr, Adam Meakins, and Des Ryan amongst other influential names. The link to the event can be found at http://www.arsenal.com/semsconference Topics covered in this part one include: What is involved with a player ‘medical’? Who is involved with a player’s ‘medical’? Is there a role for screening in elite sport?
Look out for the upcoming Part Two – where screening and player medicals are discussed in further detail.