Monday Mar 13, 2017
Player Medicals and Screening at Arsenal FC - Part Two
Screening is one of the hottest topics in Sports Medicine, and a topic which is constantly evolving. The BJSM has provided a platform for much of the academic literature concerning screening, but what actually happens at the coalface? In part one of this special podcast with Arsenal FC giants Colin Lewin, and Dr Gary O’Driscoll, we heard about the role of screening in professional sport, and how it ties in with player medicals, which is further elaborated on in this podcast. Other topics that are touched upon include the role of technology in predicting injury, the pressure of the jobs, and some tips for anyone working in football medicine/hoping to do so one day!
This podcast is bound to generate some deal of controversy, and if you’re looking for a platform to voice your opinion, you shouldn’t miss the Arsenal SEMS conference, with insights from the likes of Professor Roald Bahr, Adam Meakins, and Des Ryan amongst other influential names. The link to the event can be found at http://www.arsenal.com/semsconference - it’s bound to be one of the most insightful conferences of 2017!