Friday Jun 03, 2016
Practical pearls from Olympic Rugby 7s sideline: Dr James McGarvey - treating teams home and away.
Want to know more about one of the new Olympic sports, or perhaps want an insight into how to best manage jetlag in athletes? Dr James McGarvey, a sport and exercise medicine physician to the New Zealand Rugby Sevens team in Rio talks to Steffan Griffin (@LifestyleMedic) about everything 7s related - although something for all to take away! Related content: Podcast on travel with teams; This time 15s Rugby – Rugby World Cup by Prav Mathema: http://ow.ly/n1Nz300PRw5 Podcast on how Dr Nigel Jones worked with the England World Cup Rugby team (2015). http://ow.ly/2MbG300Q4bz Open access paper: A new model for managing athletes health and performance in partnership with coaches: http://ow.ly/Pzz1300QSxV BJSM App iTunes - itunes.apple.com/us/app/bjsm/id943071687?mt=8
Google Play - play.google.com/store/apps/detail…m.goodbarber.bjsm