Friday May 13, 2016
Prof Adrian Bauman on why and how all health professionals can promote physical activity
Professor Adrian Bauman is as respected as it gets in the hard core epidemiology world. He advises the World Health Organisation among others and he is receiving an Honor Award at the American College of Sports Medicine meeting in Boston 2016. Here’s a link: http://ow.ly/YTDt300a6wz Focusing an all professionals within the BJSM community, he argues you can make a difference! Timeline: 1:00 m – Every health professional can make a difference to promoting physical activity 3:00 m – You don’t need to do a 16-step intervention to promote your patient’s health 5:00 m – Practical steps that every physiotherapist can do in her/his practice & consultation 7:00 m – Dealing with the main objections, no time! 9:00 m – Do something every day! 11:00 m – Sedentary behavior. In perspective Links: 7 investment document: OPEN ACCESS BJSM - http://bjsm.bmj.com/content/46/10/709.full
2012 podcast with Professor Fiona Bull on the 7 ways that physical activity can be promoted. http://ow.ly/QCgs300a80o