Friday Oct 24, 2014
Prof Mario Maas on what sports clinicians need to know about radiology
Prof Mario Maas is professor of radiology, in particular musculoskeletal radiology, at the Academic Medical Centre in Amsterdam. His focus of research includes joint and tendon disorders, muscle pathology and sports imaging and he is a regular contributor to the BJSM I-test series. Mario Maas explains the essence of sports imaging and what information a sports physician should include to make his referral note even more useful. He describes what he wants his students, fellows and young doctors to learn about sports medicine and what makes a good teacher. Finally, he shares with us the aims and mission of ACES, the Academic Centre for Evidence Based Sports Medicine. See also: Predicting return to play after hamstring injuries http://goo.gl/9uvlVf MRI observations at return to play of clinically recovered hamstring injuries http://bjsm.bmj.com/content/48/18/1370.long I-test: a gymnast with anterior knee pain: not a typical case of jumper's knee http://bjsm.bmj.com/content/48/6/476.extract An 11-year-old high-level competitive gymnast with back pain http://bjsm.bmj.com/content/47/14/929.extract A long-distance runner with lateral knee pain http://bjsm.bmj.com/content/44/16/1209.1.extract Imaging techniques in sports medicine