Friday Sep 18, 2015
Professor Gwen Jull - Part 1 - Assessment and Management of Neck Pain. First of Two Conversations
Do you treat patients with neck pain? Do you have neck pain? Stop reading and start listening to the podcast. Professor Gwen Jull is one of the most lauded health professionals in the world right now and she shares pearls every minute of this podcast. Here's the link to the second part of the podcast: https://soundcloud.com/bmjpodcasts/managing-cervicogenic-headache-and-other-pearls-professor-gwen-jull-second-of-two-podcasts?in=bmjpodcasts/sets/bjsm-1 Timeline 0:00m - How do you approach the patient aged in the prime of life who complains of neck pain and bad cervical posture? 2:00m - “Big development in physiotherapy is the assessment /examination which then forms the basis of our treatment” - movement and also how the movement is performed. Facet joint tests, muscle coordination. 3:10m - Detailed specific assessment of posture in the patient with neck pain. Have the patient adopt the work positions. Aim to correct the posture to see if pain changes. 5:10m - How to distinguish the superficial and deep neck extensors 8:30m - 3 trajectories in whiplash patients; folks who get better fairly rapidly (50%), those who suffer persistent mild pain (> 2years, 30%), and ‘the major worry’ of those who have persistent moderate to high levels of pain for many months and sometimes going on for years. What predicts these trajectories? “The last group is a real stumbling block for all professions”. 11:00m - Predictors of the poor outcomes. 12:00m - See the link to the Jull and Sterling booklet for patients - ow.ly/Soyma. 13:00m - Treatment of a patient with uncomplicated whiplash - “Hurry slowly”. 14:00m - Contribution of post-traumatic stress disorder 14:30m - Management of the complicated case of whiplash. Multiprofessional approach. Multimodal care. Instruments to assess severity and to look for particular elements. 16:20m - Providing overall management of the patient. Avoiding the medical merry-go-round 17:00m - Exercise is important (this will appeal to you Adam!)! 17:30m - “My emphasis is on treating multimodally” 18:00m - Manual therapy in the context of multimodal programme 19:00m - Explaining imaging findings to the patient 19:33m - Trigger points and dry needling? Remember the 2nd part of this conversation (about Headache and more) will be available on the BJSM podcast site on 2nd October, 2015. Links: Grieve’s Modern Manual Physiotherapy (4th edition): Book review here http://ow.ly/Sj4cn Gwen Jill is the lead author of this physiotherapy bible Related podcast: Professor Michele Sterling: ‘Managing Whiplash’ (2013). Very practical management of Whiplash that held up over the 2 years. http://ow.ly/Sj4Jz Is the neck pain related to concussion? A related paper in BJSM: Schneider KJ, et al. Br J Sports Med. 2014 Sep;48(17):1294-8. Cervicovestibular rehabilitation in sport-related concussion: a randomised controlled trial.