Friday Nov 11, 2016
Professor Lars Engebretsen on management of young, adult and older patients with knee injuries
Professor Lars Engebretsen is the Head of Scientific Activities in the Department of Medicine and Science at the International Olympic Committee. An orthopaedic surgeon, he is a strong advocate of the multidisciplinary approach to patient care. Among his many awards are the Nordic Prize in Medicine and the American Orthopaedic Society of Sports Medicine Hall of Fame. He is the Editor of the BJSM’s Olympic-supported issues (4 per year, usually numbers 1, 7, 11 and 17). Timeline: 0:40 mins - Surgical management of the patient with the acute ACL rupture – emphasis on early rehabilitation 1.44 mins - Prehabilitation – a definite focus 5.54 mins - The locked knee – what is it and how does finding one affect management? 8.00 mins - Is surgery indicated for meniscal injuries or not? 9.12 mins - The paediatric ACL (age 8-12 years). What’s the best management?
13.50 mins - IOC education courses with a focus on the 2-year online diploma.