Friday Aug 22, 2014
Professor Peter O’Sullivan (@PeteOSullivanPT) on Tiger Woods’ back and ‘core strength’
Peter O’Sullivan has two recent BJSM podcasts (see below). In this podcast he shares his thoughts on the recent media attention around Tiger Woods' obvious back pain while playing in the US PGA. He discusses what the pathology might be, why the media suggested that Mr Woods’ ‘sacrum went out’. He contends that ‘core strengthening’ may not be the panacea. The lessons apply to the management of low back pain, and other pain, in a myriad of settings. See also Read Professor O'Sullivan's blog on Tiger Wood's back pain: http://bit.ly/1zaISGz Listen to his podcast on lower back pain: http://goo.gl/jrQxSe
Listen to his podcast on overtreatment and overdiagnosis in sports medicine: http://goo.gl/vPZ3g8