Friday Apr 22, 2016
Putting load management evidence into practice: Sometimes you can’t! Dr Darren Burgess
The BJSM community wants practical tips and this podcast earns 10/10 for that feature. The guest, @DarrenBurgess25 is an international leader in working in sports medicine/sports science at the highest level. BJSM Associate Editor Paul Visentini (@PaulVisentini) asks great questions. 1. How do you bring the evidence into your practical job at High Performance Manager at Port Adelaide Football Club (Australian Rules Football) (1 minute in) 2. The art from a master. What are the clinical features you use to determine what the players need? (4 minutes in) 3. How do you reconcile individual differences when you are working with a team? (7 minutes in) 4. Usain Bolt, Luis Suarez – they don’t follow the textbook. What are the minimum requirements for strength? (9 minutes in) 5. Capacity in tissue – and for a whole player. How much can we alter/improve capacity? (See also Jill Cook’s podcast on this and paper, link below) 6. What other features – beyond GPS and data – What do you look for in player welfare? (14 minutes in) Personal note here from Karim Khan: What a great insight into top level sport!! I loved this podcast – the honesty, the specific points. Darren is a master of ‘the sticky message’. Has he read ‘Made to Stick’ or is he just a natural? Wow!! I feel privileged to be part of the BJSM community to learn like this. Next week. Dr Kieran O’Sullivan (Ireland, @KieranOSull) and a German-language podcast where Aspetar’s Ekaterina Sandakova asks the questions of Keller Mattias. #InternationalCommunity Links: 1. Very closely related podcast on load: Dream Team @TimGabbett and colleagues discuss how to manage load to improve performance and minimize injury risk http://ow.ly/4mYQmZ 2. Hear more from Darren Burgess here: Who should lead the sports medicine / high performance team? http://ow.ly/4mYRtm 3. The core concept of ‘tissue capacity’. @ProfJillCook and @SIDocking are the authors and here’s the link: http://ow.ly/4mYUMI
4. One cannot leave a load management chat without making sure you know about Tim Gabbett’s early contender for paper of the year. Open access: The training-injury prevention paradox: should athletes be training smarter and harder? http://ow.ly/4mYSkj