Friday Aug 04, 2017
Secrets for clinicians caring for elite and recreational youth athletes: Dr Boris Gojanovic
Dr Boris Gojanovic (@DrSportSante) is a specialist sports medicine physician and a board member of the Swiss Sports Medicine Society. In addition to his Sports Medicine training, he is certified in Internal Medicine (General Medicine). In this chat about paediatric sports development, training and injuries he shares tips on interdisciplinary management of concussion, knee injuries. He tackles hip pain including that related to femoroacetabular impingement. He reveals his lessons from working as the lead doctor for national teams in the sports of gymnastics and youth triathlon. The Young Athletes Forum conference is in Montreux, September 21, 22, 2017. http://yaf2017.org/, Twitter @YAFfoundation Links to related podcasts: Lars Engebretsen on whether or not to reconstruct the ACL in children: http://ow.ly/1Hzr30e9Fu6
Ben Clarsen on monitoring workload in team settings: http://ow.ly/q6iL30e9FDw