Friday Sep 22, 2017
Sports Cardiology expert Dr. Drezner explains what new electrocardiogram criteria mean for athletes
Professor Jon Drezner is a family medicine physician from Seattle, USA with expertise in sports medicine and sports cardiology. He shares the new international criteria for electrocardiogram (ECG) interpretation in athletes - these lead to a lower false positive rate while maintaining sensitivity. He clearly defines the key changes and what to look out for on an ECG. You can access the International ECG Criteria paper below and also check out the conference Prof. Drezner is organising in Seattle 2-3 November 2017. International ECG Interpretation Criteria - http://bjsm.bmj.com/content/early/2017/03/03/bjsports-2016-097331.
Conference: “Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death in Athletes: Sports Cardiology for the Team Physician and Cardiology Consultant” - https://uw.cloud-cme.com/Ap2.aspx?EID=4649&P=5.