Friday Jan 22, 2016
Sports Medcast from the AMSSM: A deeper dive into the female athlete triad. Drs Joy and Nattiv
The American Medical Society for Sports Medicine (AMSSM) is the world’s largest primary care sports medicine organisation and one of BJSM’s 23 member societies. It provides authoritative education for the public as well as for athletes and health professionals. BJSM is proud to host AMSSM experts discussing the potentially life-threatening condition that is widely known as ‘The Female Athlete Triad’. Dr Elizabeth Joy (Salt Lake City) and Dr Aurelia Nattiv (UCLA, Los Angeles) are both researchers and clinicians in this field so they provide a great overview as well as practical tips for athletes, parents and health professionals in this 20-minute podcast. (AMSSM’s guest host is Dr Britt Marcussen, U of Iowa). They are two of the lead authors on the 2014 International Consensus Statement on this topic: Br J Sports Med. 2014 Feb;48(4):289. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2013-093218. http://bjsm.bmj.com/content/48/4/289.long Timeline: 2:00m - What is the ‘Female Athlete Triad’? 4:30m - What type of athletes are at risk? What should I look for? 6:15m - Energy availability, eating disorders, disordered eating. The role of anorexia nervosa, bulimia. Is this an essential element? 8:30m - Practical tips for parents. What to watch out for? 14:20m - If a parent is concerned what is the next step? 16:00m - What is the role of sport restriction in treating this condition? 21:00m - Take home messages: early recognition is key; seek help. An experienced multidisciplinary team (psychologists, nutritionist, sports physician) is key. Links: The definitive ‘Female Athlete Triad’ consensus statement in the BJSM: http://bjsm.bmj.com/content/48/4/289.long A complementary perspective on the issue – the IOC’s consensus statement: http://bjsm.bmj.com/content/48/7/491.long A 2015 podcast by the IOC’s Dr Margo Mountjoy – on the IOC’s perspective: http://ow.ly/XpkYO AMSSM e-learning elements: Podcasts and more! https://www.amssm.org/E-Learning.php