Friday Jan 15, 2016
Spotlight: American Medical Society for Sports Medicine (AMSSM): Associate Professor Irfan Asif
Associate Professor Irfan Asif is Vice Chair of Academics and Research at the Greenville Health System and University of South Carolina. This podcast is unashamedly focused on the American Medical Society which we believe is the world’s largest member organisation for primary care sports medicine. For those of you wondering why it needed to be a ‘medical society for sports medicine’ (tautology?/redundancy?) the answer is that sports medicine is a broad field with many disciplines involved, so one could have an ‘orthopedic’ society for sports medicine, for example, or a ‘sports therapists’ society for sports medicine. Timeline: 1m 40s: What is AMSSM? What benefits does it provide primary care sports medicine physicians? 1m 20s: AMSSM President John Devine was at the White House for a national ‘bystanders’ conference – what can the public do to save lives? An initiative to ‘Stop the Bleed’. 1m 50s: Outline of the AMSSM Donjoy travelling fellowships in Australia (2014) and South Africa (2015) as well as the ECOSEP, Spain – providing international leadership. (Editors’ note, these are all BJSM member societies). 3m 20s: Junior NBA programme – NBA players (junior.nba.co) Sports Medicine Today – tips and fact sheets about different injuries for athletes, coaches, parents etc 4m 10s: Collaborative Solutions for Safety in Sport (CSSS): March 2015 meeting at the NFL headquarters (partnership with NATA). Emergency action plans – including Drs Jon Drezner, Kevin Guskiewicz and Doug Casa. Focused on factors such as personnel management, AEDs and prevention of heat stroke. Another example of AMSSM partnering to make changes across the US 5m 15s: Position statements that @theAMSSM is leading (completed and in the pipeline) Viscosupplementation (5:30) – Pros and cons of using Viscosupplementation in osteoarthritis (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26729890) Mental Health – Under-recognised ‘silent injury’ – pressures of being an athlete per se Diagnostic ultrasound – building on previous work such as features in BJSM in 2015 (http://bjsm.bmj.com/content/49/3/145.1.long) Cardiovascular issues including ECG interpretation and pre-participation screening (coming out in 2016, ‘next year’ in the podcast because we recorded late in 2015) 6m 30s: Come to the Annual Meeting in Dallas, Texas, April 15-20 - http://ow.ly/X6yKo Hot topics and speakers include: Tendons (Hakan Alfredson), Running Medicine (Blaise Williams – ACSM exchange lecture), Medical issues (e.g. cardiovascular, respiratory) in sports including NBA protocols, pearls for event coverage, low back pain management advances, stress fracture prevention and Rx, emerging technologies in sports medicine. 7m 30s: Opportunities to serve AMSSM on exciting committees (not an oxymoron!) Links: AMSSM conference registration (and programme) http://ow.ly/X6AIx Hakan Alfredson’s classic (code for 2 years old now) BJSM tendon podcast http://ow.ly/X6AWA AMSSM Sports Medcast on injections with guest Matt Gammons (VP, AMSSM) http://ow.ly/X6BkZ
Dr Irfan Asif’s recent podcast on HOW to promote lifestyle medicine (‘Exercise is Medicine’) http://ow.ly/X6Bww