Friday Jun 05, 2015
Take homes from 1st World Conference on Groin Pain in Athletes: Doha Agreement (Part 2)
23 international experts in groin pain were sent two specific cases – one on inguinal region pain, the other – you guessed it – adductor region pain. The heavyweights in groin pain including Holmich, Muschaweck, Ekstrand, Meyers, Tyler, Silvers, Schilders, Thoborg, Brukner, Paajanen, Philippon, Weir, Griffen, Orchard +++. Physiotherapists, sports physicians, surgeons – unique for the diversity of opinions sought. The experts were asked to (i) write down their diagnosis and (ii) suggest initial treatment. How many diagnoses were presented? (Really? 22!! You are kidding, surely). These folks were also invited to work on focused systematic reviews and share their thoughts in person in Doha, Qatar. So far so good. But there’s always a catch! They were then locked in a room with just #LCHF not to come out until there was useful product for clinicians. Adam Weir, MD, PhD, was the driving force behind this effort and he shares what was achieved and how this can help your practice. He also guides you to hours of additional resource material including the Aspetar YouTube channel for the entire World Conference (some links below). If you see patients with groin pain this is a must! Key resources include: BJSM Issue 12, 2015 – Groin pain in athletes: http://bjsm.bmj.com/content/49/12.toc Consensus Statement: Doha Agreement Meeting: http://bjsm.bmj.com/content/49/12/768.full (Weir et al - 23 authors, Open Access) Aspetar YouTube Channel (Google Aspetar, Groin Pain, YouTube for a full list) Adam Weir BJSM podcast part 1 on BJSM (and follow @AdamWeirSports). You are encouraged to tweet your podcast questions to @AdamWeirSports or post on the Google + Sports & Exercise Medicine Community page – a great place to write more than a tweet. All you need is a gmail account.