Friday Jan 29, 2016
The face of WCPT: Dr Emma K Stokes unplugged. Life lessons, leadership, physiotherapy success
Dr Emma K Stokes (@ekstokes) is the President of the World Confederation of Physical Therapy. This is the first of 3 podcasts Timeline: 1:00m - A fascinating career journey – from student at Trinity College Dublin to President of the World Confederation. 4:00m - “You have to be yourself but you have to understand yourself. Leadership is about bringing people on a journey. Make sure you understand how other people see, or feel about, that journey” 5:00m - The organisation you work in plays a big role too but you can make a difference from wherever you are. Students and early career physiotherapists are as important as the person on the top of the hierarchy 6:30m - The only constant is change (Emma’s nod to David Bowie but this was recorded before he died). Having a framework for adapting to change 7:50m - Practice change – applying the lessons to a typical health professional practice 10:00m - The role of the IFSPT – International Federation of Sports Physical Therapists – as leaders, advocates. A huge opportunity for leadership. Education, competency definition, congress organisation 12:00m - Physios as entrepreneurs. Social entrepreneurship – physiotherapists’ opportunities to contribute to society 13:30m - Emma’s experience on what makes a successful physiotherapy practice 15:00m - End of Part 1 – part two is scheduled for February 12th, 2016 Thanks to James Walsh (@SportsOsteopath) BJSM podcast podcast associate editor. Links: Drew Dudley "Leading with Lollipops" YouTube Video – helping people become better versions of themselves: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVCBrkrFrBE Profile of President Stokes in the Independent of Ireland: http://www.independent.ie/life/health-wellbeing/health-features/world-leader-dr-emma-stokes-31375045.html Emma’s podcast for the MACP (45 minutes): https://soundcloud.com/macp-3/macp-emma-stokes-podcast Interviewed by social media leader for MACP – Gerard Greene (@gerardgreenephy)
Engage with WCPT here: http://www.wcpt.org/news/WCPT-look-forward