Friday Oct 30, 2015
The Munich muscle classification: Using it for more accurate diagnosis and treatment
Peter Ueblacker is an internationally renowned orthopaedic surgeon and sports medicine doctor who had a long and very successful career with Bayern Munich from 2009 – 2015. He works in private practice with Hans-Wilhelm Mueller-Wohlfahrt (http://ow.ly/U2mch). BJSM editor Markus Laupheimer asked the questions (English language). Timeline 1:00m - Why classify muscle injuries? 3:00m - Limitations of previous classification methods and the need for a comprehensive one – the genesis of the Munich Muscle Injury Classification system. Here is the link to this Open Access paper in BJSM (>55,000 views) http://ow.ly/U2pMG 4:18m - What are the benefits for the health professional who uses the Munich classification system? Definition of ‘direct’ and ‘indirect’ muscle injuries. 5:00m - The challenge of ‘functional’ muscle injuries. No pathology on MR imaging yet a major burden for football teams because players cannot play – time loss injuries. 6:00m - Different muscle injuries lead to different periods of time out of sport. Is this a 2-week or 5-week injury? 6:40m - Trying to predict prognosis – is it possible? What can we tell coaches? You’ll find a counter-argument here http://ow.ly/U2qFJ (not discussed in this podcast). 7:10m - Drilling down on structural muscle injuries. Tendinous injuries within the muscle are important (See @PeterBrukner paper on that here http://ow.ly/U2rBc) 8:15m - How the spine is contributing to muscle injuries. Under-rated? Clinical implications. 10:00m - A practical walk through the management of hamstring muscle injuries Additional links: http://ow.ly/U2mUG - Previous podcast with Professor Gino Kerkhoffs also considers the Munich Consensus paper. It complements the present podcast in its greater focus on the consensus process and argues of the usefulness of MR imaging in muscle injury diagnosis. http://ow.ly/U2o0Q - Previous podcast with Professor Jan Ekstrand focusing on hamstring injuries. Which of the hamstring muscles is most likely injured? How long will such an injury keep a player out of sport? Also comments on the Munich Consensus http://ow.ly/U2ova - Hamstring ‘virtual conference’ BJSM blog by Steffan Griffin (@Lifestylemedic), BJSM editor responsible for Facebook among other things.
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