Monday Jan 05, 2015
Training tomorrow’s doctors, in exercise medicine, for tomorrow’s patients
With Ann Gates and Ian Ritchie (@ExerciseWorks and Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, respectively). The ebullient Ann Gates, physical activity champion and social media phenomenon, explains that the campaign to train physicians to prescribe exercise is not squarely in the medical curriculum. In this joint podcast with Mr Ian Ritchie, we learn that surgeons are also taking up the cudgel to encourage physical activity before surgery, in hospital, and after surgery. Surgeons themselves need to be role models – to undertake 150 minutes of physical activity per week. Listen to the practical suggestions, share the free Nottingham University Medical School learning module at your institution. See Ann Gates’ full editorial at http://bjsm.bmj.com/content/early/2015/01/01/bjsports-2014-094442.extract
The BJSM special issue on Physical Activity (2015) is issue #4 (Online first from January 30th, 2015)